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Singing Scots and Parents,

Congratulations on a job well done on Wednesday! We are so proud of your hard work and we hope you feel like that hard work paid off--you sounded phenomenal!

Parents, on Wednesday, the Highland Park High School Choirs competed in the Region XX UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest at Richardson High School.

Two different ensembles competed, with both receiving a "sweepstakes" trophy!!!! This is the highest rating a musical ensemble can receive and means that both groups were rated first division by all six judges! Well done to the entire choral department!!

We are so impressed with the passion and drive of your students who rehearsed for countless hours to achieve such an incredible result. They sang with artistry, sensitivity, and served the music! …..and we THINK they had FUN too!

We would like to thank all of the parents who came to support and watch the choirs perform. A special shoutout goes to Becky Ethridge and Jeanie Griswold who served as our official chaperones for the day. Their time spent on the bus, collecting cell phones, chaperoning lunches, corralling kids, and playing "parent-to-all" allowed the day to run so smoothly!

Another huge congratulations to all! Now, onward to some Spring Concert music!!

Mr. Patel and Mrs. Walker


Booster Club Business

Slating for our 2023 - 2024 Choir Booster Board is underway. Please reach out to Jeanie Griswold, if you would like to join this fun team of choir parents. Please click this link to review the open positions and job descriptions for next year. If you have specific questions, please email or text Jeanie Griswold(, or a current board member for time commitment and job descriptions.

2023-2024 Executive

President: OPEN

President-Elect: OPEN

Sounds of Season Fundraiser Co-Chairs: Becky Ethridge/Claire York

Treasurer: Kyle Huckaby

Treasurer-Elect: Becky Ethridge

Secretary: Carol Piering

Parliamentarian: Julie Melihercik

Communications: OPEN

Member at Large: OPEN

2023-2024 Committees

Merchandise/Letter Jackets: OPEN

Banquet Chair: Cara Pierce

Banquet Chair-Elect: Chelsea Page Davidson

Publicity: Carrie Martinez

Trip Coordinator: OPEN

Trip Coordinator-Elect: OPEN

Women’s Uniforms: Rachel Blaylock

Men’s Uniforms: Katrina Bradford

Park Version Uniforms: Jeannie Denton/Meg Sartain

Park Version Parents: Jeannie Denton/Meg Sartain

L&L Parent: Jenny Mattison

Treble Select Parent: Tracy Port Melech

Concert Treble Parent: OPEN

Concert Bass Parent: OPEN


End of Year Concert and Banquet

Please join us to celebrate our 2023 seniors and all choir members at the end of year concert and banquet on Friday, May 12th. The concert begins at 6:30 in the auditorium and the BBQ catered banquet is immediately following in the cafeteria. Choir students banquet tickets are provided and family/friends can purchase BBQ dinner tickets for $25 per person. Click here to purchase tickets between 4/01 - 4/30. No dinner tickets will be sold at the door. Join us in thanking Ashley Meece for chairing this fun event!

Please see the attached spreadsheet of purchased banquet tickets - 4.16.23


Important Choir Dates - all dates are also on our choir calendar click here!

  • Friday, 5/12/23 - 6:30 pm End of Year Concert and Banquet - Auditorium (6:30 pm, doors open at 6:00 pm) and Banquet Immediately following - Cafeteria.

  • Tuesday, 5/16/23 - 6:30 pm Choir Expectations Meeting (mandatory for all 2023 - 2024 choir members and one parent), HPHS Learning Theater - EC228.

  • Sunday, 5/21/23 - Time TBD -Baccalaureate Service - current Lads and Lassies perform. Additionally, new Lads and Lassies will have their photos taken this morning for posters. More details will be provided closer to event.

  • Monday, 5/22/23 - Tuxedo, cummerbund, bow tie returns (We need a few volunteers to help with check in, please let Jeanie Griswold know if you can help!) Thanks for considering!


Spring is springing and our choirs and directors are hard at work preparing for the UIL Competition on Wednesday, April 12th. Our choirs are excited to present a UIL Preview Concert for all of our HPHS Choir Families to attend this week. This event will be held in the HPHS auditorium at 7PM, THIS Wednesday, March 29th! This is a great opportunity for you to hear all of the music that they have been preparing for UIL.

Also, we would appreciate at least one parent to join us for the Choir Booster Club meeting before the concert. We are NOW meeting in the HPHS Cafeteria at 6:00 pm, we will dismiss by 6:30 to make the doors open seating time.

Our 2023 Senior Scholarships applications are closed and are being reviewed by our hardworking Scholarship Committee, which is led by our Parliamentarian, Lesley Rhodes. Thank you Lesley and your team for your discernment.

Slating for our 2023 - 2024 Choir Executive Booster Board is underway. Please reach out to Jeanie Griswold, if you would like to join this fun team of choir parents. Please click this link to review the open positions and job descriptions for next year. if you have specific questions, please email or text Jeanie Griswold, or the current board members for time commitment and job descriptions.

2023-2024 Executive

President: OPEN

President-Elect: OPEN

Sounds of Season Fundraiser Chair: OPEN

Treasurer: Kyle Huckaby

Treasurer-Elect: Becky Ethridge

Secretary: Carol Piering

Parliamentarian: Julie Melihercik

Communications: OPEN

Member at Large: OPEN

2023-2024 Committees

Banquet Chair: Cara Pierce

Publicity: OPEN

Trip Coordinator: OPEN

Trip Coordinator-Elect: OPEN

Women’s Uniforms: Rachel Blaylock

Men’s Uniforms: Katrina Bradford

Park Version Parent: OPEN

L&L Parent: OPEN

Treble Select Parent: Tracy Port Melech

Concert Treble Parent: OPEN

Concert Bass Parent: OPEN

Please join us to celebrate our 2023 seniors and all choir members at the end of year concert and banquet on Friday, May 12th. The concert begins at 6:30 and the BBQ catered banquet is immediately following. Choir students banquet tickets are provided and family/friends can purchase BBQ dinner tickets for $25 per person. Tickets will be sold on our website between 4/01 - 4/30, no dinner tickets will be sold at the door. Join us in thanking Ashley Meece for chairing this fun event!


Spring Reminders - all dates are also on our choir calendar click here

  • Wednesday, 3/29/23 - 6 pm - Choir Booster Club Meeting (HPHS Cafeteria, we will dismiss before 6:30)

  • Wednesday, 3/29/23 - 7 pm - UIL Preview Concert (Auditorium doors open at 6:30)

  • Thursday, 4/6/23 - 7 pm - Lads & Lassies sing the National Anthem at HPHS Scots Softball Game and stay to support our Senior L&L Softball players!

  • Wednesday, 4/12/23 - buses leave at 10:30 - ALL CHOIRS, approximately 8:30 - 5:30 pm, ( Richardson High School, 1250 W. Belt Line Rd., Richardson, 75080) Parents invited to attend our performances. The performance times will be communicated at a later date. If you can attend, it is well worth your time! Additionally, we will need 2 or 4 chaperones for this day (time commitment 10 am - 5 pm), if you are interested in helping, please reach out to Jeanie Griswold.

  • Friday, 5/12/23 - 6:30 pm End of Year Concert and Banquet - Auditorium (6:30 pm, doors open at 6:00 pm) and Banquet Immediately following - Cafeteria.

  • Tuesday, 5/16/23 - 6:30 pm Choir Expectations Meeting (mandatory for all 2023 - 2024 choir members and one parent), HPHS Learning Theater - EC228.

  • Sunday, 5/21/23 - Time TBD Baccalaureate Service - current Lads and Lassies perform. Additionally, new Lads and Lassies will have their photos taken this morning for posters. More details will be provided closer to event.

  • 5/22/23 - Tuxedo, cummerbund, bow tie returns (We need a few volunteers to help with check in, please let Jeanie Griswold know if you can help!) Thanks for considering!

What a beautiful fall concert we were treated to on Monday evening!

Congrats to our Singing Scots and our amazing Directors! We could certainly hear how hard they have been working and look forward to our Sounds of the Season Concert, Reception and Raffle coming up on December 8th!

Thank you to Kyle Huckaby for stepping up to be our Choir Treasurer Elect! We are so grateful for all she does for our school and booster clubs!

We are still looking for a President-Elect for our Booster Club. Please email us if you are interested!

Thank you to those that were able to attend our very brief booster club meeting Monday. But, if you were unable to attend no fear, you can find the presentation and agenda below.


Thank you to our Fundraising chairs for their presentation Monday evening. We are super grateful for all of their hard work to ensure this evening will be special for our singers and families. It is certain to be a highlight of the holiday season! As a reminder, we are asking each student to sell a minimum of $150 in raffle tickets. We are hoping the simplicity of the process and the amazing raffle basket offerings will make this as easy as sending a text or email to your friends and family members.

Please click through each of the links below for very important Sounds of the Season information:

Underwriting - We have the most generous choir families. Thank you to all who have so generously given so far! If you would like to donate to underwriting please follow the link here to make your underwriting donation.

Raffle Tickets - Purchase here

Poinsettias - Reminder, we are closing these sales on 10/24, or when we have sold the quantity we purchased. Make sure to get them before they are gone! You can purchase here: 5 for $100 or 1 for $25

BSSU Purchases - we did have some questions at the booster club meeting regarding what families purchased via BSSU for Sounds of the Season. Take a look at the pdf below for Sounds of the Season Choir Student BSSU Purchases.

HPHS Booster Club Scholarship

We introduced a new HPHS Choir Booster Club Scholarship application at the meeting. Thank you to Ingrid Houghton and Becky Gould for their work on this. If you are in need of a financial extension or financial assistance for choir or uniform fees, please complete the HPHS Choir Booster Club Scholarship and Payment Plan Application and email it to This information is held in the strictest confidence and will only be seen by our booster club president and treasurer.


Our officer designed merchandise is now available to order via this link or by visiting Please make sure to purchase your required Team T. This is the DJ Khaled t shirt that was already distributed last Friday. If you have ordered your merchandise and forgot to pay for this T shirt, please log in and do that before next Tuesday.

If you have any questions please reach out to

© 2024 Highland Park High School Choir Booster Club

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